Easy Washi Tape Clothespins


Happy February! To celebrate the new month, here are some easy DIY Valentine’s Day clothespins. I like that this craft is very quick but still cute. 🙂

You need:

Red and pink washi tape


X-acto knife

1. Lay a clothespin on a slightly longer piece of washi tape.


2. Trim excess tape.


3. Repeat on the other side of the clothespin.

And that’s it! You can create about 10 clothespins in half an hour. Once you get the hang of making them, it’s hard to stop!

Finally, I’d like to give a shoutout to one of my favorite blogs, Caution District. Asya is a teenage blogger who posts consistently (unlike me) with advice, musings, reviews, and my personal favorite, workouts. I definitely recommend checking out her blog!

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Have a great rest of the week! ❤